A high level function and panel function for producing a variant of a histogram called a dotplot.
dotPlot(x, breaks, ..., panel = panel.dotPlot)
equal.widths = TRUE,
groups = NULL,
nint = if (is.factor(x)) nlevels(x) else round(1.3 * log2(length(x)) + 4),
lty = trellis.par.get("dot.line")$lty,
lwd = trellis.par.get("dot.line")$lwd,
col.line = trellis.par.get("dot.line")$col,
alpha = trellis.par.get("dot.symbol")$alpha,
cex = 1,
type = "count",
a vector of values or a formula
as in histogram()
additional arguments
a panel function
the number of intervals to use
a ratio by which to increase or decrease the dot size
a trellis object
if (require(mosaicData)) {
dotPlot( ~ age, data = HELPrct)
dotPlot( ~ age, nint=42, data = HELPrct)
dotPlot( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer, nint = 17,
endpoints = c(59.5, 76.5), layout = c(4,2), aspect = 1,
xlab = "Height (inches)")