Create vector based on roughly equally sized groups
n = 3,
format = c("rank", "interval", "mean", "median", "center", "left", "right"),
digits = 3
a numeric vector
(approximate) number of quantiles
a specification of desired output format.
desired number of digits for labeling of factors.
a vector. The type of vector will depend on format
if (require(mosaicData)) {
tally( ~ ntiles(age, 4), data=HELPrct)
tally( ~ ntiles(age, 4, format="center"), data=HELPrct)
tally( ~ ntiles(age, 4, format="interval"), data=HELPrct)
tally( ~ ntiles(age, 4, format="left"), data=HELPrct)
tally( ~ ntiles(age, 4, format="right"), data=HELPrct)
tally( ~ ntiles(age, 4, format="mean"), data=HELPrct)
tally( ~ ntiles(age, 4, format="median"), data=HELPrct)
bwplot( i2 ~ ntiles(age, n=5, format="interval"), data=HELPrct)